What to Expect

ILP Developmental Goals

Every child is an individual and will be allowed to progress from one developmental stage to another at his/her own pace. It is very important that a variety of learning tools be available in order to meet the child’s developmental needs at every given stage.

Through dramatic play, sharing, finger plays, and story time, children will improve their language and listening skills. Drawing and even scribbling will develop pre-writing skills. Tearing paper (and later cutting with scissors) will develop fine motor skills. Along with enjoyable class activities will increase recognition of shapes, colors, letters, and numbers.

Class schedules

Schedules vary for our three and four year olds.  Each class is developmentally appropriate with time built into the day for exploration, play and socialization.  Here is a sample schedule of a typical 4-year-old class day. 
*Classes will vary in schedules so please check with your child's teacher for more details*

8:20 - 9:00 am      Welcome, check-in and classroom exploration
9:00 - 9:30 am      Circle Time
9:30 - 9:40 am      Bathroom Break
9:40 - 10:15am     Large Motor
10:15 - 11:00am   Free Choice and Teacher Directed Tables 
11:00 - 11:10am   Jesus Time
11:10 - 11:25am   Snack
11:25 - 11:30am   Pack-up and dismissal

**We do have Pastor led chapel twice a month.

Our Special Events
Orientation Night 
Open House
Family Literacy Night
Pumpkin Farm Field Trip
Christmas Program 
Christmas Party
Fire Safety Program 
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Valentine's Day Party
Dad's Night Out
Lutheran Schools Week
Grandparent's/Special Someone Day
Vision and Hearing Screening
Train Ride to Western Springs       
Graduation Program
All School Picnic

Important information for you:

We kick-off preschool with a Parent Orientation Night in late August.
Preschool classes begins the Tuesday after Labor Day and 
we end our school year the third week of May!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our Preschool Director, Jamie Rogoz at 630-324-6797 or email jrogoz2529@gmail.com